You are Leaving Money on the Table if You Don’t Follow Up

  Freelancing is a bit all over the map right now. Some writers are hearing crickets. Others are swamped. And then those that were super busy suddenly have a blank calendar. You should always be marketing for new clients, but right now I think it’s even more important.  While inbound leads and referrals typically have…

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How to Land Freelance Writing Work with Content Marketing Agencies

I received a lot of questions about my January and February income recaps about agency work. I’ve found from answering many questions over the years that there are a lot of misconceptions about agencies as well as writers not knowing where to start. So this week I decided to create a giant blog post that…

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How to Reduce Your Financial Risk of Losing a Client

Monday came and went. Then Tuesday passed. By Wednesday I was wondering where my weekly assignment was from my anchor client. So I reached out and learned that the project was on pause indefinitely.  I might have said a really bad word. Ok, I did say a bad word. But it super sucks when an…

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