Should Freelance Writers Attend Content Marketing World?

Since I’ve been to Content Marketing World several times and I spoke at the conference last year, I often get asked if I think fellow writers should attend Content Marketing World. I think writers assume that I’m going to wholeheartedly recommend the conference. But honestly, the answer really depends on the writer. Some freelance writers who have gone…

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Should You Suggest a Specific Project in Your LOI?

At a conference, you sit next to a writer you know from an online forum. You write in similar niches. Based on their personality from their posts on the forum, you are pretty sure that the two of you have a lot in common and could be friends. You turn to the writer and introduce…

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Guest Post by Robin Warshaw: 9 Tips for Writing for Nonprofits

Note from Jennifer: I’ve gotten a number of questions recently from writers that want to write for nonprofits, hospitals and universities. These are fantastic content marketing clients, but they are outside of my niche. So I asked fellow writer Robin Warshaw to share her tips. She writes primarily for for nonprofits, associations, hospitals and medical/health professions schools. Writing for…

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Two Upcoming Events to Help Increase Your Income

I don’t usually share information about paid events on my blog because I know that you trust me and are loyal readers. The rare times (yes, today is one of those days) that I do it is because I really think that it is something the program is worthwhile and will likely help you further…

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