Yes, Airline Magazines are Content Marketing

I’ll admit it. I’ve gotten into several arguments about content marketing. Not fistfights or polite differences of opinion, but somewhere in between. But I promise that no curse words were used nor punches thrown. I’m assuming that I am one of the few people that can make this claim. And I can also assume that…

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Should You Separate Your Content Marketing and Journalism Clips?

A few years ago, I saw a writer who put their content marketing clips on completely separate pages of their website. The menu had an option for Content Marketing and another for Journalism. I didn’t think much about it until I began noticing the same approach on other writers’ websites. Last week, a reader asked…

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How to Organize Your Clips on Your Website

Note from Jennifer: After seeing my post about Content Marketing World, the nice folks at Content Marketing Institute contacted me and gave me a $100 off code for any of my readers wanting to attending #CMWorld. To received the discount, enter CMWRITER100. This is not an affiliate link, just a discount code. Before registering, be…

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Do Content Marketing Writers Need a Website?

I’m going to make a confession. I didn’t have my own writer website until 2012. Yes, I started freelancing in 2008 and went four years without a website. I used my LinkedIn profile and Contently portfolio in place of a website and honestly thought it worked just fine—until I got a website and my business…

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