B2B Content is for People, not for the Business

Note: Be sure to subscribe to my mailing list by 11:59 pm EST May 31st to be entered into a $50 Amazon gift card drawing. You also get an extra entry for each relevant comment (no  spam).  I think the biggest problem with B2B content is that we, as content creators, focus way too much…

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5 Ways to Get More Content Marketing Projects from Existing Clients

Note: The Summit on Content Marketing starts today so if you have been thinking about registering, now is your chance. I found out over the weekend, that the price is actually $199 Canadian, which is around $149 US, depending on the exchange rate at the time you buy. This means the conference is a really…

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8 Must-Watch Sessions for Writers at Summit on Content Marketing

Note: I just found out that the Summit on Content Marketing is an even better deal than I thought because its $199 Canadian, which is around $150 US. I corrected the post below, but wanted to point it out since I didn’t clarify that earlier in the week.  Last night, I browsed through the Summit…

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Quick Fix: Ditch the Third Person

At the end of May, I am holding a random drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card. To be entered in the drawing, subscribe (box at the right) to my Boring to Brilliant B2B blog. You will also get one additional entry into the drawing for every relevant comment (no spam) you post to the B2B…

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