Find Out How Boring Your Content Is With a Boring Audit

Read any how-to article on creating a content strategy and the first (or near the beginning) step is almost always conducting a content audit. The short explanation is that this means going through all of your content and cataloging all of the pieces of content you already have at your company so you can leverage…

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Yes, Keywords Are Making Your Content Boring

Many of my B2B clients hand me a keyword and tell me that I am supposed to use it in the title, in the SEO description, in the first 100 words, and twice in the rest of the text. Yes, really. While some of those things are good practice, the problem is that the keyword…

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How Cannibal Hamsters Helped Revive My Career (Guest Post)

  Note from Jennifer: Kristin shared this story with me at the ASJA conference and I knew immediately that I wanted to share it with you. I love how she systematically approached her slowdown and took action to turn it around. I particularly like her strategy of looking for likes and have had great success…

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