Finish the Year Strong: Help Clients Spend Their 2017 Budgets

Now is the time of the year that you should make a conscious decision to finish strong or take extra time off. (Find out which I chose last year.) Either is a totally valid option, and I personally know that I am happier when I pick one path or the other instead of trying to…

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Why Women Freelancers Earn Less Than Men

I’ve decided to deem this “Negotiation November” on my blog. Last year, we had Niche November, where I spent the month talking about the importance of a niche and giving tips on how to find your niche. If you missed this series, I highly recommend checking out my posts on narrowing your niche, why money…

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4 Things to Do Now to Prevent a Slow January

It took me 10 years of starting off my year behind my income goal (not to mention having almost no work in January 2016) to learn my lesson. But this year, I finally got it right. I made over 10K (which is my minimum goal for each month) in January 2017 and that led up…

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ASJA Fall Membership Drive and New Associate Level Membership

Note: If you are already an ASJA member, please take a minute to email a link to this post to any writer friends you know that may be interested in joining ASJA either as an Associate Member or a Professional Member. If they apply by November 30 and put your name on the application, you will…

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