Guest Post by Chuck Leddy: Will Robots Steal Our Marketing Jobs?

Note from Jennifer: There has been a lot of talk in recent months about the future of writing with the increase of automation and artificial intelligence. In fact, a very interesting article on how companies can use AI to find freelance writers was published on Content Marketing Institute yesterday. So this guest post from Chuck…

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Guest Post: How Lisa Fields Brainstormed New Clients

Note from Jennifer: One of the biggest challenges I hear from writers is that they don’t know how to find clients. The trick is starting with the audience, not with specific products. If you start with products, you miss many possible new clients. Last year, I wrote down my process in my post Jennifer’s 3…

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What Does Your Best Year Ever Year Look Like?

I had my best year ever in 2017. Yes, I earned my highest amount of money ever. But honestly that is not the main reason why I consider last year my most successful year as a freelancer. It’s easy to focus on money. It’s tangible. We need it to pay our bills and have a…

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Guest Post: Simple SEO Techniques Freelance Writers Should Know

Note from Jennifer: Since I get many questions from writers about SEO, I wanted to share some tips from an SEO expert with you today. Callum Mundine is the head of marketing at Warble Media. They are a boutique website design and digital marketing agency based in Dubbo, NSW, Australia. If you have any questions about…

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