How I convinced myself I’m not a fraud (again)

I know that many of you have been marketing a lot this month, so don’t forget to post your points for the Winter Marketing Challenge. Someone is going to win a $50 gift card from Amazon and it might as well be you! Post by Friday, Feb 9th (this Friday) at 9 pm EST.  January always…

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Guest Post: How Ryan Douglas Fired a Client (and Doubled His Rate)

Note from Jennifer: I always try to encourage writers to ask for high rates when negotiating with clients, especially when they know you are a great fit for their needs. In today’s guest blog, freelance writer Ryan Douglas shares a story almost too good to be true that really backs up my advice. Find out what…

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Guest Post: Why 2017 Was Kristin Harper’s Best Year Ever

Note from Jennifer: One of the best things about freelancing is the flexible schedule. Ask anyone. Many writers tell me they will never go back to a ‘regular job’ because freelancing gives them the ability to juggle work and family with less stress, and others find that freelance work makes it possible to take more…

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I Need Your Help

So I finally did it. I wrote a book. And the second draft is almost done. Yeah, I can’t believe it either. With four years of blog posts in the archives, I know it’s hard to find stuff on my blog. And it’s not in a step-by-step format since I write about whatever is top of…

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