From Blog to Book: $5 E-book Birthday Sale This Week

Content Marketing Writer

So I finally listened to you – I did it. I wrote a book. And I find it super cool that I’m announcing it this month. The blog turned FIVE yesterday and I plan on celebrating all week. I am offering a birthday special for my e-book $5 for the next five days. The softcover book…

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How to Schedule a Free Writer Coaching Session with Me

Over the course of my career, many writers have helped me out – job referrals, advice, a sympathetic ear, even helping me come up with the title to my new book, The Freelance Content Marketing Writer: Find Your Perfect Clients, Make Tons of Money and Build a Business You Love. I honestly would not be…

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Guest Post: What Gary Wollenhaupt Learned from Customizing LOIs

Note from Jennifer: After I wrote a post recently about customizing your Letters of Introduction (LOIs) for multiple niches, I received a number of comments from my readers. One was from Gary Wollenhaupt, and he said my five(ish) sentence LOI was really working well for him. Then he put my advice for customized LOIs into practice…

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Are You on Track to Meet Your Income Goals for the Year?

The end of March signifies more than the wonderful fact that Spring is here. It is also the end of the first quarter of 2018. For me, the first three months of a new year are always a bit of a roller coaster work-wise: clients cutting back, adding new clients who are kicking off new…

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