How to Ask for a Recommendation or Testimonial

Note from Jennifer: This is the second post in my Ask For It August series, where I’m focusing on ways to improve your business by asking clients for more money, more work, and other advantages. See this post for details on the Ask For It August Challenge, which runs through the end of the month.…

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Ask For It August

For years, I just accepted what the clients gave me – rates, deadlines, sources, the contract. I assumed that was their best offer and that if I wanted the work, I should take it. While I knew that I could negotiate, I assumed it was frowned upon. And with consumer and trade publications, most outlets…

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What to Do When You Have Too Much Work

How do you handle having too much work to do? It’s the question no one wants to ask. As Holly Bowne wrote in her guest post about how she doubled her income, it’s like complaining about not being able to gain weight. While we all agree that having too much client work is a good problem to…

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