Should you keep marketing through the holiday season?

I’ve had had several friends ask me this question. And I’ve seen several posts in the Freelance Content Marketing Writer group on Facebook on this exact topic. Even though I know the answer, I find myself asking the same question every year. It’s easy to think that the holiday season being in full swing –…

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Giving Tuesday

In addition to writing and helping other writers grow their businesses, one of my passions is volunteering for Almost Home Dachshund Rescue Society. This year I helped save 30 dogs by taking them into my own home or by placing them in 7 foster homes that I manage as the foster/adoption coordinator for the Raleigh…

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How to raise your rates with existing clients

You’ve been working with a client for a while. They are great to work with, and you want the relationship to continue. But back when you started working with them, your rates were a lot lower. Now your other clients pay you more, maybe even a lot more. You can’t afford to keep working with…

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