Guest Post: How SaVanna Shoemaker Landed 5 New Clients in February

Note from Jennifer: I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. Because most of us are at home, now is a great time to focus on expanding our skill set. I wanted to let you know about a free-training seminar that I am co-hosting with Carol Tice. I will be teaching…

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Guest Post: Cat DiStasio rounds up advice for writing better conclusions

Note from Jennifer: Every writer faces challenges in their writing process. Some people stress out over interviews, while others struggle with certain types of deliverables, like white papers. Recently, in the Freelance Content Marketing Writer group on Facebook, Cat DiStasio confessed to stumbling over writing conclusions and was met with loads of insightful advice from…

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Why I Don’t Heavily Personalize Cold LOIs

Quantity vs Personalized – What is the Balance? Writers often complain about how time consuming it is to send out LOIs (Letters of Introduction) and I don’t disagree. But one of my secrets to sending out a lot of LOIs in a relatively short period of time is that I don’t heavily personalize each LOI.…

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Guest post: How Jen A. Miller made $135,000 in one year of freelancing

Note from Jennifer: As we wrap up this year’s Winter Marketing Challenge (which ends tonight!), I have a special guest post to share with you today from Jen A. Miller, the writer who earned the most points in last year’s challenge. Jen’s freelance journey holds a lot of lessons for other writers at any stage…

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