How to Walk Away From a Low Paying Potential Client

Note from Jennifer: I often say that the clients that you choose to walk away from determines your income level more than the clients you work with. And yes, turning down work is super hard during normal times, but even harder during a global pandemic. But when you take a client that pays too low,…

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Reducing the Likelihood of a Never ending Loop

During the past five months, my clients have almost constantly been changing their messaging and scope of projects as their customer’s needs and sentiment changes. The result has been a higher number of revisions because we are trying to meet a moving target. Or the exact opposite almost no revisions because the goal is to…

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What every new freelance content marketing writer needs to know

Note from Jennifer: We’ve welcomed a lot of new members to the Freelance Content Marketing Writer group on Facebook recently, and it reminded me that I wanted to post more content for writers who are just starting out in content marketing, either as a new area of focus or freelancing for the very first time. I…

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