Why you need to think about January now

Note from Jennifer: Yes, I know it’s Halloween and the last thing on your mind is January. But after you wake up from your candy coma tomorrow, take a minute to start thinking about January. Every year that I’ve taken my own advice (yes, I don’t always do that), I’ve noticed a difference of several…

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What is ghostwriting in content marketing?

Writers often refer to any piece with someone else’s byline as ghostwriting. But that isn’t accurate. There are two types of projects that are often referred to as ghostwriting. Both have someone else’s byline on them, but only one is actual ghostwriting. I’ll explain. “Slap a name on the story” writing For this type of…

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Guest Post: 5 questions to ask every potential writing client

Note from Jennifer: I’m on a hiking trip this week so I’ve arranged a guest post to keep up with my commitment to a new post each week. Being able to screen potential freelance writing clients effectively can be the difference between landing your dream client and winding up with a total PITA. While I…

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5 Ways to Increase Your LinkedIn Cold Messages

Over the past decade, I have earned at least $100K, probably more, from clients who found me on LinkedIn. Yes, I am serious.  Behind referrals (from both writers and clients), one of my best sources of leads is cold LinkedIn messages. Sure, not all of the gigs end up being a fit. But I get…

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What I did when I had zero freelance writing work on my calendar

Last week, I started the week and realized that I had zero work on the calendar. Seriously, like nothing at all due. Unlike many freelancers, I don’t book out months in advance. Instead, I purposely take projects with shorter deadlines. Yes, I know I’m weird, but long deadlines stress me out because I feel like…

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