The Five (ish) Sentence Letter of Introduction (LOI)

A few years ago, the head of a content agency told me that he thought an LOI (Letter of Introduction) should be five sentences. I immediately thought, “No way, I can’t convince someone to hire me in five sentences. I need at least double that, maybe even 15 sentences.” I spent about a year thinking…

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6 Goals You Should Set for 2023

Note: Hopefully, my new posts this week have helped get you inspired for 2023 and then create a plan to make it happen. Next week, I will go back to my normal one to two posts a week. I am excited for 2023 and know we can all make it a banner year.  As I…

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80+ Marketing Activities for Freelance Content Marketing Writers

Note from Jennifer: To help you find and land your next favorite clients, use this list of marketing activities (which you may recognize from past Winter Marketing Challenges on my blog). You don’t have to do every single one, but the more you do now, the better your chances of meeting and working with more…

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Taking Stock of Your Clients for 2023

I am happiest and do my best work when I work with clients who are a good fit for me. For me this means that they assign shorter deadlines, are open to my ideas, are a business-to-business company (I suck at writing most B2C), are understanding of occasional typos and are genuinely nice people. At…

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Five-Week Marketing Plan to Increase Your Income

Did you sit down at your desk today ready to find new clients but aren’t sure where to start? You aren’t alone. I’ve been in your shoes not that long ago when I realized I had no work on the calendar last September. I’ve learned a lot things the hard way over the past 15…

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