What To Do If Your Freelance Writing Client Gets Laid Off

Note from Jennifer: I’ve been overwhelmed by how many of you already signed up for my new class Improve Your Productivity with AI Writing Tools. Based on feedback, I’ve expanded it to talk about other AI writing tools. For the demonstrations I will use ChatGPT since its most advanced right now, but you can use…

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How I earned nearly $15K in January as a Freelance Content Marketing Writer

Note from Jennifer: I’ve got a super exciting announcement to share today!  After the response to my post about what artificial intelligence means for freelance writers, I decided to use my 8 years of experience writing about artificial intelligence combined with my 15 years of freelancing to launch a mini course to help writers use…

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What do Layoffs and Budget Cuts Mean for Freelance Writers? 

The news hasn’t been good lately for full-time employees. Headlines about layoffs have been everywhere, especially in the tech field. But does this mean that our freelance writing businesses are going to get slow in the near future? I have three answers to this question: yes, no, and it depends.  First answer: Yes. The overall…

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What To Do When You Lose An Anchor Client

I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. Every January I lose an anchor client by no fault of my own. It’s usually an agency lost a contract. Or often the project lost the freelance budget. The new year typically means new contracts and budgets, which affects us as freelancers. And while it hasn’t happened…

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