I’m finally blogging again

The past few years have been crazy for me. I got involved in dog rescue again. My kids went to college. I started hiking and kayaking regularly. I broke $200K with my freelance business for the first time. And I became the sole breadwinner in my family.
But I let one thing that has been important in my life for the past 8 years slide: this blog. It just felt like too much. So I let it slide—and that’s okay. We can all only do the best we can do at the time.
However, it’s bugged me. Like, “wake up in the middle of the night” bugged me. And most weeks I pledged to myself to start posting the following week. Then I didn’t. But that cycle ends now. I’m rededicating myself to the blog.
Posting on my blog keeps me accountable to following my own advice. It’s so easy to take shortcuts and not take the extra steps, like qualifying leads and keeping my portfolio updated. But when I’m writing this blog every week, I feel like I have to do the right things. And that makes my business and my overall well-being better.
I also miss helping people. I have learned so many things by screwing up. And I still screw up regularly. And I think that it’s so important for us as writers to be transparent. So I’m writing this post to make myself
accountable to post a new blog every Monday. Some may be short. Others may be more in-depth. But every post share things I’ve learned from my own journey and other writers’ journeys.
I can’t wait to start posting again on a regular basis and continue learning from each other.
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I feel you.
Thank you for the support! Glad I’m not alone!
It’s important to pause sometimes, but it’s great you’re back!
Thank you for the kind words!!
Great to see you blogging again! I do appreciate your insights. They’ve helped me build my income and a real business.
That’s great to hear that I”ve made a difference. That makes me happy.
You have done so much to help other writers already! Thank you! And it’s no wonder you took a break with the major transition to an empty nest. Your advice and specific action steps (like calculating true hourly rate across all clients and not putting too many financial eggs in any one client basket) have saved me in the last two years of freelancing. In March 2020 I had one client that was 85% of my income — I wrote for a collection of businesses (most in the food industry). I’m sure you can guess what happened. Rough learning experience, but have now built something much more sustainable working in two niches and earning more in fewer hours. BUT your posting this reminds me that I need to diversify and do consistent marketing again as one of my clients is creeping up toward the majority of my income. So thanks for this, and look forward to reading more of your journey!
That’s wonderful to hear that those two pieces of advice really resonated with you. I really appreciate the kind words.
Looking forward to learning from & together with you Jennifer on your blog again here! We’re all only human. There’s a time & a season for everything. Sounds like now’s the season for you to blog again.
That’s a great way to look at it. Thank you! You are totally right its now blog season!
Welcome back! The advice you gave me years back in your Help a Content Marketing Writer Out feature was so helpful. Many thanks! Chrystle
Oh wow, I had forgotten about that! I’m so glad that it helped!
Thanks, Jennifer–glad you’re back! And so glad you’ve been getting out on the trails and on the water!
Thank you! Hiking and kayaking has been such as postiive experience for me.
Oh, yay!! Can’t wait to continue learning from you!
Yay, I look forward to reading your blog again! But I totally get needing to let it drop for a while. I am exactly the same way and in a major juggle right now just to get my work done and keep my business moving forward with a small child and a baby at home. To everything there is a season, and it’s all good. 🙂
I regularly recommend your book and FB group to new writers who ask me for advice. You explain everything so clearly and I can honestly tell people, “Go read Jennifer’s book. I can attest that her advice works.” Thank you!
Oh that’s a huge compliment. Thank you. It means a lot. I’m going to be updating my book this fall so it doesn’t get out of date.
Welcome back Jennifer! Your counsel is always welcome and your willingness to ‘keep it real’ deeply appreciated. Look forward to your future posts!
Thank you! You are one of my longest readers!
Welcome back! I know that feeling. I felt it with my podcast this summer, which was on hiatus. But it looks your blog and my podcast came back this week. Nothing like post-Labor Day to give you that “back to school” kick in the pants. Glad to be reading your helpful blog again!
Yeah, taking a break is a good thing. I used to operate on a school year calendar for my business so it makes sense that I’m starting back with the school year. That’s when I usually launch new things. I had forgotten that.
Way to cut yourself some slack, Jennifer. We can’t do everything we want to do all the time, even when our hustle culture says we should. Sounds like you did a great job prioritizing over the past couple of years. Look forward to reading your insights over the coming months.
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words!
Well done and welcome back.
I’m new to the blog so I haven’t been here for the hiatus, but I look forward to reading your new posts in the coming months.
Thanks for being so transparent about the difficulties of consistency. Now that I’ve found your blog, I look forward to learning from you!
Welcome to the blog! We are glad you are here! Are you a member of the Facebook Group?
So happy that you’re back, Jennifer! And like everyone here, I’m so looking forward to the honesty and insights you always share here.
Thank you! And I”m so happy you are still a reader – you are one of my longest blog readers!
So glad you’re back, Jennifer! Your book and blog have helped me so much over the past four years and I look forward to your new content.
That makes my day to hear! I am so happy.
My goal for the year was “Bring blogging back in 2022” but I’ve failed pretty miserably at it. Maybe I will join you — maybe your posts will be a sort of accountability tool for me to post, too. Welcome back!