Happy New Year 2022

I am saying this very quietly without fan fare or dramatics. We wished in 2021 with great style and joy, but that didn’t work out so well. So I’m trying something different this year. We will see if it works

One of my goals in 2022 is to post a new blog every week. But I didn’t just want to start up again out of the blue since I haven’t posted in a very long while.  And I wanted to explain why you haven’t heard from me. The simple version is I got caught up with work, saving dachshunds and sending my kids off to college and neglected this blog. But I’ve realized how much I miss sharing with each of you and am resolving to get back on track.

I also wanted to share about a great opportunity to join ASJA for the lowest price in decades. We’ve extended the code 2021FALLDRIVE until January 15, 2022. You can use this code to waive your initiation and application fees, which is a $75 dollar value. I’ve personally earned hundreds of thousands of dollars through my ASJA membership since 2013. And the organization now offers many virtual events, including webinars and client meetings as well as a very active Facebook group. You can get more information and apply by visiting our  2022 New Member Drive page.

In addition to blogging every week, I have some exciting plans in the works that I want to share. Here is what I have up my sleeve:

My Plans for 2022

  • Releasing a new version of my book, The Freelance Content Marketing Writer
  • Writing a new book about how to become a $200K writer
  • Offering my training course for growing your income in late winter and early spring.

In the next few weeks, I am also planning on sharing an updated Roadmap for how to kick off a great 2022, a blog post detailing how I earned $200K in 2022 and a post (or probably several posts) sharing the results from my recent 2021 Income Survey.

My Goals for 2022

I encourage each of you to set goals for 2022, but not just an income goal, but also a Bucket List goal, Work Life Balance, Marketing and Stretch Goal. Check out this post on the different types of goals. Here are my goals of 2022, which don’t neatly fit into the categories I’ve defined. But that’s a benefit of freelancing, we can do what works for us. But I took the spirit of my own advice meaning that I looked beyond simply income.

  • Earn 200K. This is probably the least important goal to me and would be OK with anything over $150K, especially if I make my other goals.
  • Finish all assignments the day before they are due. (I think this will dramatically help my stress and working late issues).
  • Don’t work after 6 pm. I will make an exception if I have taken off significant time during the day to do something I enjoy, such as dog rescue or hiking. Sometimes I like to use my flexibility and work at night, but I don’t want to work all day and night.
  • Update my Freelance Content Marketing Writer book. I am happily surprised that the book I published almost four years ago STILL sells an average of 2 copies a day. So I’m going update it so that it doesn’t feel dated and can continue helping other writers.
  • Write a new book on earning 200K. I realized this year that 200K is an attainable goal for many freelancers. So I am going to interview other writers in this range and also share my own experiences.
  • Go on a group hike twice a week. I started doing this after my kids left for college and I really enjoyed it.

I’m not going to tempt fate and say let’s make it a great year. Because who the heck knows anything anymore. But my overall goal is to take what I’ve learned the past two years about work and myself to make 2022 a year that I can look back on and be proud of, no matter what else happens.

What are your goals for 2022?

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  1. Lori Ferguson on January 4, 2022 at 5:06 pm

    Nice to hear your voice again, Jennifer! You always bring something of value to the table…. 🙂 Happy New Year.

  2. Paul McCormack on January 4, 2022 at 6:35 pm

    I really liked this post, Jennifer. I’m working on my goals for 2022, so the goal-setting blog will certainly help.

    I agree that finishing an assignment the day before it is due is a great way to reduce stress. I didn’t do that last year, which increased my anxiety. Stopping work at 6 pm is also a great suggestion. With a handful of exceptions, I do not work after 6 pm. If I allow myself to work in the evenings, the work tends to fill the space available. That’s never a good feeling.

    And thanks for publicizing the ASJA membership drive. I’ve just submitted my application!

  3. Maria Satira on January 5, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    Hi Jennifer! Great to see this blog post – I am in the process of submitting an application for ASJA and will put your name as a referral.

    BTW, your book changed my life and I’m so excited to read an updated copy and pick up your new one when it’s released.

  4. Holly Bowne on January 5, 2022 at 7:19 pm

    Yay! I’ve missed you and your posts, Jennifer! Glad you’re back! And I totally understand how life can get in the way — especially sending a child off to college with all the emotions that incurs (which NOBODY warned me about!!!!).

    I’ve already set my 2022 goals, but I’m really interested to see how yours play out. Especially your new book idea about reaching $200K. (I’ll be even more interested if you’re able to do that without working ridiculously long hours and stressing out. :o)

    Now, I need to go check out ASJA. Welcome back!