Announcing Upcoming Training Course – How to Make More Money as a Content Marketing Writer

Do you want to make more money in 2021? Or do you want to work less and make the same amount?

If your answer is yes – then I have some exciting news! After hearing such positive results from writers who took the Content Strategy Course, I offered last spring with Carol Tice, I have decided to offer my own training courses to help writers just like yourself.

I am starting my training offerings by launching “How to Make More Money as a Content Marketing Writer” on January 19th, 2021.  This 4-week course guides you through the process of taking actionable steps to make more money in the New Year. You won’t just learn how to make more money, but actually do the work to set up your business for success. And since I don’t believe in one-size fits all advice, your plan will reflect your goals, strengths, weaknesses and personalities.

Because I know many people are looking for last minute deductions for 2020 due to cancelled business travel, I made the last-minute decision to open registration today instead of Monday as planned. I am offering an early bird price of $199 until January 8th, when the price increases to $249. While this course is instructor led, I will be offering a self-study version available at the end of February.

·      4 weeks of video lessons with over 45 minutes of
video instruction each week

·      Workbook with exercises o guide you through the
process of increasing your income

·      Weekly group Zoom call with Jennifer and rest of
the class

·      Individual 30-minute call with Jennifer after
the course to check in and get advice

Should You Take the Class if You Read My Book?

It depends. This course is based on my best-selling book “The Freelance Content Marketing Writer.” If you have read the book and completed all of the exercises, then you probably won’t get much new from the course. However, if you read it casually and didn’t put in the work, then this course will give you the structure to put the advice into action.

A Few Other Things

One of the reasons I haven’t offered training before is that I really don’t like selling things to writers. It makes me uncomfortable. So I’m not planning on doing a huge marketing push or sales job – I will put a few announcements in upcoming blogs and social media, but you don’t have to worry about me constantly pushing my products.

I also want to make sure that this course is accessible to everyone. If you are not able to afford the course, please email me and I will give you a scholarship. I trust that you will only take advantage of this if you plan to put in the effort and truly cannot afford the course.

Because I want everyone to be happy and feel that they got their money’s worth, I am also offering a full-money back guarantee for the course. If you are unhappy at any point in the course, just let me know and you will get a refund – no questions asked.

I’m very excited about this course and being able to help more writers have the flexibility both in schedule and income that freelancing provides. If you have any questions, feel free to Facebook message me or email me at

To get more information about the course or to register, visit the How to Make More Money as a Content Marketing Writer course page.

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  1. Lori Ferguson on December 31, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    This is *wonderful* news, Jennifer. You are a natural teacher and you have such a wisdom and experience behind you that I *know* it will be a tremendous offering and a boon to anyone who avails themselves. Good. For. You!!! Happy New Year!!

  2. Elizabeth Hanes on December 31, 2020 at 7:40 pm

    Yay!! Anyone who takes this will surely benefit from your knowledge and generosity, Jennifer!

  3. Lisa on January 1, 2021 at 8:45 am

    Congratulations, Jennifer! I respect your decision to offer scholarships, a money-back guarantee and not to be uber-pushy marketing your course. I’m sure it will be a big success. Cheers.