Giving Tuesday

In addition to writing and helping other writers grow their businesses, one of my passions is volunteering for Almost Home Dachshund Rescue Society.

This year I helped save 30 dogs by taking them into my own home or by placing them in 7 foster homes that I manage as the foster/adoption coordinator for the Raleigh area. These dogs would have otherwise been put down. Some of them lost their owners, and some of them were surrendered when their health issues became a burden to their families. Sadly, most of these dogs were 10 years old or older, and they lost the only home they ever knew.

The rescue suffered a setback this year when a fire destroyed our sister rescue and we took in 17 dogs that had no place to go. In a typical year, we rescue 15 to 20 dogs, but we have taken in over 50 since August. Many of our dogs have required expensive medical treatment and we also paid for board and train for a sweet dog named Spot (pic above who has fear aggression and bit me.

It’s not just about saving dogs. It’s changing peoples lives by helping them find a pet that gives them love and companionship. Molly, one of the dogs I placed a few months ago, has helped the teenage girl lessen her anxiety so she is able to attend school more often. Max, 12-year old boy that was hours away from a rural shelter because his owner was homeless, has brought so much joy to a wife whose husband has dementia. Spot, who was about 2 hours from euthanized by his owners when I got him, is now the beloved furkid of a wonderful man whose dachshund passed away last year. Gus, who was a stray with a large tumor on his tail, now brings joy to the kids in his new family as well as the wife, whose husband suffers from severe PTSD. And Bandit, the pup I foster failed this summer, throws a party each time I come home and is the fan club that any mom of teenagers desperately needs.

I don’t normally mix my professional life with my personal life, but for this Giving Tuesday I’d like to ask a favor. If you’ve learned something through this group or if I personally coached you, please consider giving a donation to Almost Home Dachshund Rescue using the fundraiser posted in the Freelance Content Marketing Writer Facebook group. And if you aren’t a member, today is a great day to become a part of my active and supportive community. If you’re already a member of the group, use this link to go directly to the fundraiser post. This year, the demand has been great and we are low on funds. Any amount – even $5 or $10 – would help the mission and give these deserving dogs a chance at a good home.


  1. Sol Lederman on November 27, 2018 at 1:10 pm

  2. Ellen Ryan on November 27, 2018 at 1:11 pm

    Good for you, Jennifer! Volunteering gives meaning to life and spreads positive vibes. “Doing good” and “giving back” are cliches for a reason, and we can’t have too many people pitching in.

    I always like writing about this. Happy stories make me happy! I’ve been pitching LOIs to local and national nonprofits but gotten nothing but “thanks, we’ll keep this on file” and, of course, silence, even from the ones I do or have volunteered for. Sigh.