Guest Post: How Liz Froment Became a B2B Tech Content Marketing Writer in 3 Steps

Note from Jennifer: For the past few years, any time a writer asks me how to make more money, I tell them to consider a B2B tech angle for their existing content marketing niches. While some writers think it’s intimidating or perhaps they just feel like they don’t know that much about technology, I really think most good writers can do at least some tech angles. Liz Froment put my theory to the test and wrote a guest post for the blog today about her three-step journey to becoming a B2B tech content marketing writer. After reading her post, be sure to check out her work on her website, too! 

by Liz Froment

I’ve been freelance writing for almost five years. In the beginning, there were a lot more downs than ups as I struggled to find my niche. I floated through the usual topics; travel, books, productivity, you name it.

I never saw the success I was hoping to achieve. When I compared myself to other freelance writers (note: don’t do that), I felt like I was lagging behind. I was still making a living but not quite to the extent I had hoped.

Two things helped me change that:

  1. A friend and mentor referred me as a potential writer for a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool in the marketing space.
  2. I started to understand the potential of B2B writing

Once I started working with the marketing client, I realized there was a whole new world of writing I hadn’t considered. It was like a lightbulb had gone off in my head. I’d gotten the taste of the potential of B2B technology writing.

At first, there was one problem holding me back: confidence.

I didn’t feel confident enough to be a B2B writer. I didn’t have any background in tech. I was a humble blogger, after all, how could I compete?

You might feel this way too.

I had to transform myself into a content writer for B2B tech brands. When I did that, I was able to level up and find new opportunities that would let me showcase my tech chops.

Here’s the approach I took. These three steps allowed me to realize I had plenty of potential in B2B tech writing and helped me make the pivot.

Inventory Your Current Skill Set

In my life before writing, I worked in finance. I’d spent years in the hedge fund industry, and once I got burned out, I moved into academia. In my university role, I was still on the financial side of things but in grant administration.

After I decided to go out on my own to be a writer, I pushed my financial knowledge and experience into a deep dark place. I wrote about anything but what I already knew. It was an uphill battle.

Finally, I realized I’d made a big mistake in avoiding my entire college education and years of experience. All of that was worthwhile! And, finance was chock full of B2B writing opportunities. Once I embraced the skills I already had instead of trying to create new ones, I could get out there and start.

The same goes for you. I’d guess any experience you have can get tweaked for B2B tech writing. That includes finance, hospitality, education, travel, food, you name it. All it takes is making a small change in approach.

Niche Down Within the Tech Industry

My first taste of tech writing was for that one B2B SaaS marketing tool. This client was my first foot in the door and working with a good client for good pay made me see the potential..

What I needed to do was figure how I could get more clients in the tech industry, especially finance. Where I decided to focus my niche was not in an industry, per se, but on the product SaaS tools.

SaaS tools are everywhere. I guarantee you use at least three a day, especially if you’re a freelancer. Invoicing? Social media? Email? Netflix? All SaaS tools.

Jumping into SaaS meant I could also stay in a niche but expand my client base in related industries. The marketing SaaS client led to my first FinTech SaaS client. And that led to a second. Then I got approached by an Insurance company with a SaaS tool. That first InsurTech SaaS client led to a second and so on. I’ve also been able to write about SaaS for real estate and property management companies too.

See where I’m going with this?

Take the Time to Learn and Spot Potential Opportunities

I love to learn, so this part has never been a problem. But, what I discovered as I dove deeper into SaaS writing is it has its own set of content needs, pretty much regardless of the industry.

Most SaaS tools are heavily dependent on their sales funnels. Within each section of the funnel, there is specific content that needs to be written to tie into the customer journey. Being able to understand SaaS funnels has also allowed me to spend a bit of time niching within the niche.

It’s also helped me brand myself as a content strategist in addition to a freelance writer. With my understanding of the SaaS funnel, I can help my clients beyond ‘just’ writing. I can offer content optimization planning up and down the funnel too. Those add-ons let me provide a better experience for my clients and also have the potential to increase my income.

Bonus: Read This Blog

You’re here already which is a good sign. But I got a lot of incredible advice from Jennifer on this blog, especially on going into tech and niching down.

Go For It

I’m not exactly where I want to be yet, but moving to B2B tech content writing was the best decision I’ve made in my freelance career.

If you’re struggling to make the jump, my best advice is to go for it. All it takes is a mindset shift and reframing your thinking. You don’t need to be a tech genius to start. More likely than not, you already have some experience you can use in the B2B tech space, so take a chance!


Have you used any strategies for breaking into a B2B tech niche? If you haven’t yet, what’s holding you back?


  1. Liz Froment on May 15, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing my post, Jennifer. I hope it helps a few people out!

  2. Angie Verike on May 18, 2018 at 4:20 am

    Very good article. I think many freelance copywriters and content writers fail to realize that B2B is where the money is. Sadly, not many people can blog about their day and make a good profit. Good income requires good work.


  3. Tonya on May 18, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    Where is the best place to look for a few classes to level up on b2b writing skills?

  4. David Geer on June 7, 2018 at 11:42 am

    Great personal story here. I found my niche in cybersecurity, IT, and related technologies. You can do it.